#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

 * DEBUG ONLY: If compiled -DDEBUG, the parameters computed for each stronghold
 * will be printed out to stderr.
/* SANITY CHECK: assertion macro for verifying input data */
#define ASSERT(e) { if(!(e)) { cerr << #e << endl; throw; } }

/* SANITY CHECK: maximum input values as defined in problem statement */
#define MAX_N 100
#define MAX_E 20
#define MAX_D 10000
#define MAX_J 10000
#define MAX_S 50
#define MAX_I 30000

/* Data structure representing a single stronghold from the input */
typedef struct {
    int D;  /* Distance of stronghold from invader's starting position */
    int J;  /* Strength of defenders */
    int S;  /* Strength of the stronghold */
} hold_t;

/* Less than operator for sorting a vector<hold_t> by stronghold distance */
inline bool operator<(hold_t const &a, hold_t const &b)
    return a.D < b.D;

/* Main body of program */
void process(void)
    int data_idx, data_num;

    /* Read how many datasets to process */
    cin >> data_num;
    ASSERT(data_num >= 1 && data_num <= MAX_N);

    /* Simulate each dataset separately */
    for(int data_idx = 0; data_idx < data_num; data_idx++) {
        vector<hold_t> holds;
        int hold_idx, hold_num;
        int start = 0; /* Current position of invading force */
        int I;         /* Current strength of invading force */

        /* Read in total number of strongholds */
        cin >> hold_num;
        ASSERT(hold_num >= 1 && hold_num <= MAX_E);
        /* Read in each stronghold definition */
        for(hold_idx = 0; hold_idx < hold_num; hold_idx++) {
            hold_t hold;

            cin >> hold.D >> hold.J >> hold.S;
            ASSERT(hold.D >= 1 && hold.D <= MAX_D);
            ASSERT(hold.J >= 1 && hold.J <= MAX_J);
            ASSERT(hold.S >= 1 && hold.S <= MAX_S);

        /* Sort the list of strongholds by their distance */
        sort(holds.begin(), holds.end());

        /* Read in initial strengh of the invading force */
        cin >> I;
        ASSERT(I >= 1 && I <= MAX_I);
        /* Run through each of the strongholds in order */
        for(hold_idx = 0; hold_idx < hold_num; hold_idx++) {
            hold_t &hold = holds[hold_idx];   /* Current hold being processed */
            int F = I * (hold.D - start);     /* Invading force */
            int B = hold.J * hold.S * hold.S; /* Defending force */
#ifdef DEBUG
            /* DEBUG ONLY: Print out current stronghold being processed */
            cerr << hold.D << " " << hold.J << " " << hold.S << endl;

            /* DEBUG ONLY: Print out computed parameters for this stronghold */
            cerr << "I=" << I << " D=" << (hold.D - start);
            cerr << " F=" << F << " B=" << B << endl;
            /* Check if the invading force has been stopped */
            if(F <= B) {
#ifdef DEBUG
                cerr << "RETREAT!" << endl;
                cout << "RETREAT!" << endl;
            /* Adjust invador's current strength and position */
            I = (int) ceil( I * (1.0 - ((float)B) / F) );
            start = hold.D;

        /* Check if the invaders made it through all strongholds */
        if(hold_idx == hold_num) {
#ifdef DEBUG
                cerr << "ROUT!" << endl;
                cout << "ROUT!" << endl;

/* Run program and print out any exceptions that occur */
int main(void)
    /* Throw exceptions on failed data extraction in >> operator */
    /* Run main body of code */
    try {
    /* Catch unexpected EOF or bad input data */
    catch(ios::failure const &e) {
        cerr << "Unexpected EOF or data type mismatch on input" << endl;

    return 0;