#!/usr/bin/env python

# Rout
# Phil Bordelon

import os
import sys

DEBUG = os.getenv("DEBUG", False)

def simulate (strongholds, invader_strength):

   # This is the main simulation section of the code.

   # Invaders start at distance 0, and they've yet to encounter any
   # strongholds.
   invader_pos = 0
   stronghold_num = 0

   # We use a while 1 loop because, uh, I change styles reguarly while
   # coding under pressure for projects that don't last.  This is
   # ostensibly the "Pythonic" way; those of us trained on single-exit
   # loops may find it a little bothersome, but it works surprisingly
   # well.
   while 1:

      # Pull out the information from the stronghold.
      location, blocking_force = strongholds[stronghold_num]

      # Calculate the routing force, based on the distance from where the
      # invaders currently are to the location of the stronghold.
      distance = location - invader_pos
      routing_force = distance * invader_strength

      if DEBUG:
         print "I = %d | R = %d | B = %d" % (invader_strength, routing_force, blocking_force)

      # If they're not strong enough, we're done; they have to retreat.
      if routing_force <= blocking_force:
         return "RETREAT!"

      # It seems the routing force is greater; reduce the invader's
      # strength, using the formula from the problem ... except that
      # with Python it's not quite that easy.  int(ceil(num)) generally
      # works ... except for when ceil(num) actually returns something
      # just a /wee/ bit above the number, thanks to floating point
      # craziness.
      # I originally had an annoying hack in here to handle that (adding .999
      # to the number and relying on the fact that int(n) rounds down towards
      # zero), which worked fine.  However, a much more elegant solution
      # reveals itself if you actually take the equation for calculating the
      # new invader strength and simplify:
      # Inew = ceil(Iold * (1 - B / F))
      # Inew = ceil(Iold - Iold * B / F)
      # Inew = ceil(Iold - Iold * B / (Iold * D))
      # Inew = ceil(Iold - B / D)
      # That's right; the only actual factor that's relevant is B / D.
      # So we calculate that, and use Python's int(n) round-towards-zero to
      # substitute for having to use ceil(), as the results are identical.
      # Clever, no?

      reduction_factor = int(float(blocking_force) / distance)
      invader_strength -= reduction_factor

      # ... and move them to their new location at the stronghold.
      invader_pos = location

      # Increment the stronghold number ...
      stronghold_num += 1

      # ... and if we're at the end of the strongholds, the rout succeeded.
      if stronghold_num == len(strongholds):
         return "ROUT!"
if "__main__" == __name__:

   dataset_count = int(sys.stdin.readline())
   for dataset_loop in range(dataset_count):

      # Read in the strongholds.
      strongholds = []
      stronghold_count = int(sys.stdin.readline())
      for stronghold_loop in range(stronghold_count):

         # Break out the elements of each stronghold.
         distance, def_strength, strong_strength = [int(x) for x in

         # There's no reason to keep around the separate values for
         # strongholds; the only relevant value is Blocking Force.
         blocking_force = def_strength * strong_strength * strong_strength

         # Store the distance and blocking force.
         strongholds.append((distance, blocking_force))

      # Sort the strongholds by distance.  Yay for Python tuples!

      # Read in the invader's strength.
      invader_strength = int(sys.stdin.readline())

      # Run the rout simulation.
      print simulate(strongholds, invader_strength)